Zelenskyy in Philippines to promote peace summit he says China and Russia are trying to undermine

opinions2024-06-03 23:46:137

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was in the Philippines on Monday in a rare Asian trip to urge regional leaders to attend a Swiss-organized global peace summit on the war in Ukraine that he accuses Russia, with China’s help, of trying to undermine.

Zelenskyy arrived unannounced and under heavy security in Manila late Sunday after speaking over the weekend at the Shangri-La defense forum in Singapore.

He had planned but failed to meet with Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on the sidelines of that annual defense gathering and decided to fly here to personally invite Marcos to attend the summit in Switzerland, two Filipino officials told The Associated Press. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because of a lack of authority to discuss details of Zelenskyy’s secretive trip to Manila.

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