Greek minister says 2 major new marine parks will be created by the end of this year

world2024-06-03 17:35:018517

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Greece will be able to create the two new major marine parks it has announced for the Ionian Sea and the Aegean Sea by the end of this year, the country’s environment and energy minister said Wednesday.

Speaking during an international ocean conference in Athens, Theodoros Skylakakis said scientific studies to determine details such as which species will be protected and what measures must be taken will be completed and implemented by year’s end.

“Real protection needs to be backed by real science,” Skylakakis said.

The creation of the park in the Aegean has irked Greece’s neighbor and regional rival Turkey, which has accused Athens of exploiting environmental issues to push a geopolitical agenda. The NATO allies have been at odds for decades over a variety of issues, including territorial claims in the Aegean.

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